

Vi har kapacitet att hantera stora och massiva material. Med våra maskiner kan vi såga upp det material ni har att tillgå alternativt det ni önskar beställa från oss. Välkommen att kontakta oss för mer information.


  • Another day, another experiment. It’s hedgehog day today. Newly red listed, these little critters need a bit of help so we’ve been working on these hedgehog “igloos”. Cut from a single log with a long entrance tunnel and a side nesting chamber stuffed with some lovely curly sawdust and dried leaves then buried under a…

  • This seemingly uninteresting bird box is actually pretty special. Here at Ravenwood we like to experiment a lot. This is our screw-free bird box. It doesn’t even need screws to install on to the tree. This means that in many years from now when it eventually rots away, it will leave no metal laying around…

  • Mulmholks/habit stumps on kungsholmen. One with a hedgehog box, but more probably rat box in the base and one with a bird box, but more probably wasp nest box at the top.

  • We’ll probably never see this thing installed so we thought we’d set it up in the workshop. You’ll just have to imagine the background as a magical wonderland! - - #playground #wonderland #chainsawcarving #naturalplayground #mushrooms #wooden

  • It’s strange how projects morph from one thing to another. This started as a classic stream engine pulling carriages containing various common Swedish animals. How we ended up with a subway train with ducks and fish riding atop of it we can’t quite remember…? - - #train #tunnelbanan #chainsawcarving #animalcarving #parks #playground #duck

  • Another day another mulmholk. We didn’t really have to do much to this one. It’s an old and beautiful stump that was felled somewhere for some unknown reason. All we had to do was attach a base to it and stand it in a new home where it will hopefully continue to do its thing…

  • Freyja’s throne. Right next door to Odin’s throne in Nobelpark park. Apparently she had two cats that pulled her war chariot and a falcon that flew around with her. - - #freyja #norsemythology #throne #woodcarving #chainsawcarving #falcon #cats #lynx #nobelpark #stockholm

  • We don’t really do mass production at Ravenwood, but we thought we would give it a go. Twenty “rustic” larch stools. All we need now is twenty bottoms to sit on them. - - #larch #larchfurniture #stool #rusticcarpentry

  • Another day, another mulmholk. Hedgehog boxes are now fitted to the bottom of our mulmholks as standard. Those spikey wee critters need all the help they can get right now! We also visited an old mulmholk we installed a few years ago and we’re thrilled to find it buzzing with hornets. - - #hornet #mulmholk…

  • Out with the old and In with the new. A quick little Monday job. Removing these old rotten logs in this seating ring next to a playground in Vällingby and replacing them with lovely shiny new ones. In true Ravenwood style, the wonderfully rotten logs found a new home in a nearby patch of woodland…

  • What did you do today? We built a T-Rex because we are a pair of five year olds. - - #trex #tyrannosaurus #dinosaur #woodworking #jurrassicpark #chainsawcarving #gianttoy

  • Attention all arborists and tree workers. It takes a long time and for the forces of nature to hollow out a tree stem. Cavities and hollow stems are super important real estate in the wild world. At Ravenwood we collect all the hallows logs we can. The smaller ones we turn into bird and bat…